Content & Media
Our education system was designed in an analogue age when information was at a premium. Textbooks were written as a way to collate and communicate the best information available on each topic and the only other learning tools available were the limited resources of the local library.
In the last few decades however, the world of information has been turned on its head. Not only is every book ever written available instantaneously at our fingertips, but new formats of media have changed the way we interact with information and ideas forever.
Books have been joined by podcasts, blogs, videos, games, apps, websites and social media as sources of information and entertainment students are already familiar with and are navigating in their personal lives today. These resources are often more engaging, contemporary, accessible and accurate learning tools than the traditional ones used in classrooms.
There’s no doubt that they are powerful tools of communication. However, they can also be misleading, deceptive and in some cases addictive if not used appropriately.
We believe the role of educators should be to serve two purposes in relation to all this new content.
- To curate the best media from around the world that informs and engages students both in the classroom and during self-directed learning.
- To develop student’s skills to find and critically analyse these sources so that they are equipped to navigate this digital world for themselves.